Hit the return key after you type in a cell
Personally, i would use a 3-D printer, but you can use any material that you have, and have an example next to you for reference if you aren't going to 3-D print.
E-Pollution is the environmental damage that comes from the constant heat and cooling down in facilities that are referred to data centers. Data centers are where online information is collected, processed, stored and exchanged.
1) List
2) Dictionary
3) Tuple
A list uses square brackets. It is used to store multiple items in just one variable. They are usually changeable and give room for duplicates. You use append to add to the collection.
A dictionary uses curly brackets. You use update to add to the collection. A dictionary is created by placing the elements in curly brackets and separating them with a comma. It is changeable and it does not give room for duplicates.
A tuple uses parentheses. You cannot change it once you create it. It is an ordered list of elements that is finite and can also store multiple items in one variable.
The same thing happened with my HP laptop but my dad refresh the laptop before restating it worked