Following is the program in C language :
#include <stdio.h> // header file
#define n 5 // macro
int main() main function
int a[n],k1; // variable and array declaration
printf("Enter the element:\n");
for(k1=0;k1<n;++k1) //iterating the loop
scanf("%d",&a[k1]);//Read the values by user
printf("Output in Reverse Order:\n");
for(k1=n-1;k1>=0;--k1)//iterating the loop
printf(" %d ",a[k1]); //Display the values
return 0;
Enter the element:
Output in Reverse Order: 89 67 45 3 4
Following is the description of the program
- Define a macro "n" with value 5 after the header file.
- Declared an array "a" and defined the size of that array by macro i.e "n".
- Read the value by the user by using scanf statement in the array "a"
- Finally In the last for loop display the values of array "a" by space.
Virtual team
A virtual team is also known as a remote team, where every member of the team is working from different geographic locations. Usually, the communication channel is through voice/video conferencing or email.
Each member of the team is given unique roles and these roles are delivered optimally within the specified time frame.
For instance, Malcolm does not meet with other members of the team, yet they are working on a project (a smartphone app to track traffic patterns). Following standards that would have applied if they were working at a specific location.
Thanks to Information and Communication Technology (ICT), virtual jobs are on the increase, providing jobs to a lot of people not minding their geographic location.
How has the shift to locally grown produce decreased greenhouse emissions? 1 Large farms often create greenhouse emissions by poor farming practices. 2 Locally grown produce allows fewer dangerous toxins to seep into the soil and the atmosphere.