In the Roman Republic, there were two classes - patricians and plebeians. Patricians had full authority, which plebeians didn't accepted. They fought for their rights, and gained them. That is why Roman Republic transformed in total.
Patricians were wealthy landowners who were bringing all major decisions. Plebeians who were mostly poor wanted some type of representative in the government. They retreated from the city, thus making patricians to accept some of their requests. Among the other things, they could vote, enter the Senate, even take the role of consuls.
Theodora believes that giving up their reputation as nobility and becoming fugitives would be almost impossible for them, and she says she would rather face death because death is already going to happen.
After Congress didn't have the ability to tax, states and congress started printing their own paper money, however it lead to consequences such as rise of food prices which caused a food riot and several others.