The Dynamo-powered torch (flashlight)
the jerry can
Answered by Mimiwhatsup: The gloomy mood reflects the man's positive attitude.
Why by Mimiwhatsup: Jack London creates a lonely atmosphere
The correct answer is the Tuamotu Archipelago.
If Magellan’s course had taken him a little farther north or south shortly after crossing the Tropics of Capricorn, he might been able to restock food and water supplies in the Tuamotu Archipelago.
The Tuamotu Archipelago is also known as Paumotu and is part of French Polynesia in central South Pacific Ocean. It has ring-shaped coral reef best known as an atoll, which includes many coral reefs. Indeed it is considered the largest portion of coral atolls on Earth. The largest one receives the name of Rangiroa.
cost of the Journey is the correct answer.
Many settlers migrated from Europe who were called western settlers. They face many obstacles which encountered on the waterways as well as during their settlement. The cost of journey was not an obstacle for them as it was very easy and convenient for them.