A government has various institutions which deal with specific matters.... So, in this case it is the Judiciary which resolves conflicts between people, groups or countries (UN)
The Birth of Mass Culture During the 1920s, many Americans had extra money to spend, and they spent it on consumer goods such as ready-to-wear clothes and home appliances like electric refrigerators. In particular, they bought radios.
Civil disobedience-- Martin Luther King Jr. used civil disobedience learned from men like Gandhi, Thoreau, and the teachings of Jesus Christ.
The method of civil disobedience uses boycotting, sit-ins, and non-violent protest. Martin Luther King Jr. organized the Montgomery Bus Boycott which was a boycott of the bus system started with Rosa Parks disobedience on segregated buses. It effectively attacked large economic systems which created change due to loss of income.
A amendment
It is a minor change to already existing legislation that attempts to improve it.
*Amendments are not parts of the constitution. They become part of the constitution once it is ratified.
Amendments exist to adjust the legislation of the constitution.
Generally speaking, yes, it is true that a person will understand the compressed language of a poem better if she brings her knowledge of areas such as history and mythology to that poem, since this will help her understand potential "hidden" themes.