Herbert Hoover felt that a key part of the American spirit was rugged INDIVIDUALISM people’s belief in their own responsibility and power.
Criminally negligent.
Negligence refers to the fact that you should have paid attention to details such as checking ID, calculating age, etc. but you didn't for one reason or another. This is a criminal act (apart from making an illegal sale) because it might lead to something more severe, like an accident or murder even, which might make you responsible for the crime.
operant conditioning; classical conditioning
A learned association between a response and a stimulus is to operant conditioning as a learned association between two stimuli is to classical conditioning(is learning through association whereby a conditioned stimulus becomes associated with an unrelated unconditioned stimulus in order to produce a behavioral response known as a conditioned response )
Rather than expecting her to initiate any self-disclosure, it might be helpful to ask her to consider sharing at least one reaction she experienced while listening to another member speak.
Sarah is very communicative, this is usually a good trait, but in Sarah's case this trait has become annoying and inconvenient as Sarah does not allow any member of the group she participates to speak and expound on her ideas. To help Sarah, a therapist may ask Sarah to try to let someone else talk and then tell her how she felt when she heard a colleague's opinion. With this, The therapist encourages Sarah to listen and talk a little less.