It is classified a good product. A good product conveys an incentive to its client. A product can give various sorts of significant worth to its client: Escapism, expanded regard, efficiency and you can presumably name a 100 more. In light of our relative impression of "good", one can contend that there is a hindrance to passage as far as how much esteem an item needs to give with a specific end goal to be viewed as "good", and how much from each sort.
The danger of optimism is to see things in a way they are not. It is dangerous because t can't fool someone into thinking things are working out when they are not.
Skepticism can lead to apathy. When a person does not believe in what other people say they cannot relate to one and other. A extreme skeptical postition would lead no a very difficult way of leaving.
Candice at first sustained a very optimistic position, and after all the tragedes he started being skeptcical to the optmisitc position. This allowed her to questioned what he believed before.
Candide is an example of an optimistic person. A lot of terrible things happened to him and to his loved ones, and despite that, he still believed things are good. Loosing his friends and being beat up among other things. He wanted to believe in Pantagon's theory of optimism and he did, until he couldn't any more.
After some time in the plot, reason comes to him and he thinks of optimism as a mania of seening good when things are actually pretty bad.
Candice is a innocent and naive person, his optimism made him like this. An extreme optimistic position can lead to a naive postition in life.
(D) deliberate
The act of not doing somethingi is called deliberate indifference since someone becomes damaged. It is the omissions of acts for the purpose of causing harm with knowledge . When applying to law systems, many judges apply the deliberate indifference standart to judge if a professional has damaged an inmate's civil rights.
<em>For example, if someone is being in a hospital, and the doctors , staff working there knowingly refuse to answer to someone's safety complaints, removing or giving medical attention may be considered indifference.</em>
<em>This is more usually often subject of law in jail with guards, and other instances like mental health hospitals where the staff rowking can ignore risks deliberately and for omitting consciously safety concerns.</em>
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When having pride of a certain country, it is called nationalism.
Too much nationalism can cause problems, one of the causes of WW1 was nationalism.
According to the Warrens, a student nurse was given the doll in 1970. They said that the doll behaved strangely, and that a psychic medium told the student that the doll was inhabited by the spirit of a deceased girl named "Annabelle"
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