B. bombardment of Fort McHenry
It was during the war of 1812, and that was when the star spangled banner was written.
Letter A. Solon
Thus in Athens in 594 bc Solon did not abolish the Areopagite Council but is said to have created a boule of 400 to guide the work of the assembly, or Ecclesia. Cleisthenes increased the membership of the Athenian Boule to 500 in 508 bc.
There will be less conflict within the group and less pressure in terms of the group's demands and needs.
Correct answer is C. Escaping from exile and raising another army in France
A is not correct as Napoleon introduced the blockade in 1806, trying to hurt British economy, and disable Britain to hurt him.
B is not correct as Napoleon retreated from Russia in 1812 and then in 1813 he was defeated at Leipzig. Then he was sent into exile on Elba.
C is correct as Napoleon returned from exile in 1815 but was then defeated in the famous battle at Waterloo.
African Americans considered property holding a fundamental right because holding property gave men power. Owning property was a symbol of power, which allowed men the right to vote. Not allowing African Americans to own property would also not allow them to vote.