Given that: Design scenario - page 197 has a continuation of the chapter 1 design scenario for ElectroMyCycle
See attached image
orange men because I don't know
The answer is LinkedIn.
LinkedIn manage your personal identity. It also build and engage in your professional network. It access knowledge, insights and opportunities. It links people, skills and opportunities to create world largest crowd business creation system.
A compiled language is a programming language whose implementations are typically compilers and not interpreters. In this language, once the program is compiled it is expressed in the instructions of the target machine. There are at least two steps to get from source code to execution. While, an interpreted language is a programming language whose implementations execute instructions directly and freely, without previously compiling a program into machine-language instructions. While in this language, the instructions are not directly executed by the target machine. There is only one step to get from source code to execution.
I hope this helps.
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