The fossil of the dinosaur looked like it was a combination of two different types of extinct organisms: the meat-eating Tyrannosaurus rex and the Brontosaurus, which was an herbivore. Frankenstein was the name of a monster in a popular story about a scientist who built a monster in a lab. However, this species of dinosaurs evolved naturally. So, calling this species “Frankenstein” wouldn’t be completely accurate.
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Succession is not ever guaranteed to stop in any area due to the possibility of natural disasters, climate change, and disease. The climax within an area my exist for many years but the area always has the potential to be disrupted by unexpected events that may damage plant life.
Answer: Yes
Carrying capacity can be defined as the total number of members of the population of a species that an ecosystem can sustain in terms of providing resources in the form of food, shelter and others. When the resources are available in surplus then the population of a species increases exponentially but declines when resources become scarce. The human population is increasing tremendously all over the world this is supported by the resources like food, water, fossil fuels, air, minerals, and others. But some of these resources are decreasing due to overuse and may not be available in future to sustain the future generation.
Wet barometer - The tool works by measuring atmospheric pressure to predict incoming weather. Since the glass is only filled halfway with water, the other half is exposed to the atmosphere. When the outdoor atmospheric pressure rises, the pressure in the glass decreases, and causes the water to move down the spout.
Dry barometer - A Torricellian barometer (sometimes called a mercury barometer) is an inverted (upside-down) glass tube standing in a bath of mercury. Air pressure pushes down on the surface of the mercury, making some rise up the tube. The greater the air pressure, the higher the mercury rises.
I hope this helps!