B. Put it in quotes if it is directly quoted as is and cite the source. You should likely also list the source in the works cited but not the phrase itself.
Step 2: Multiply total number of pixels by the bit depth of the detector (16 bit, 14 bit etc.) to get the total number of bits of data. Step 3: Dividing the total number of bits by 8 equals the file size in bytes. Step 4: Divide the number of bytes by 1024 to get the file size in kilobytes.
Restart the whole computer??
use an anchor tag(<a>This is an anchor tag</a>) and use the href attribute and set it's destination to the section element who's id or class is "sisters".
<a href="#Sisters">Click Here!</a>
then you can add this somewhere on the document.
<section id="Sisters">Hello World!</section>
True. At least that's how it is for camera's that print photos. Not digital cameras