These are the anwers
The answer is Evangelical Christianity or Evangelical Protestantism. It is a worldwide, transdenominational movement within Protestant Christianity which upholds the belief that the core of the gospel consists of the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ's atonement. Evangelicals have faith in the significance of the conversion or the "born again" experience in getting salvation, in the authority of the Bible as God's revelation to humanity, and in thinning out the Christian message. The movement has had a long occurrence in the Anglosphere before spreading beyond it in the 20th and 21st centuries.
A command economy, where a government has full control of the production of goods and services, best fits this scenario.
The idea is to respect the right of the participants, and the reputation of the psychologist.
The ideas behind ethical practices in psychology are that you need to respect the rights of the research participants and make sure they do not get harmed by what you are doing.
Psychologists must go along with this because they need to protect their research participants, the reputation of psychology and psychologists.
It is strongest in people who have no attachments.