False Because some States provide their own Occupational Health and Safety programs which could be more strict or apply stronger regulations to companies with employees. Good example is Cal OSHA which is the state OSH of California.
The scrotum protects sperm by keeping the testes slightly below the normal temperature.
The two types of cholesterol is dietary and fat-related ?
Try to convince mother to switch for breastfeeding if at all possible
Breastfeeding is the best for infants....but the word "to switch" doesn't match.
If the infant has taken feeding bottles yet, it's time to change the very first days.
Hope I helped !
an increase in various health issues
a non-nutritious and unhealthy diet = increase in health conditions such as diabetes, CVD, stroke and so on
lack of variety such as veggies and fruit - lack of fibre -> constipation and no bowel movements - leading to faecal loading and constipation
lack of dairy - iron and vitamin d deficiency