Region of the World Percentage Value in Metric tons
North America 17 23,332,500
Asia 52 71,370,000
Africa 3 4,117,500
Europe 18 24,705,000
Latin America and the Caribbean 8 10,980,000
Oceania <u> 2</u> <u> 2,745,000</u>
100 137,250,000
We multiply the 137.25 million metric tons by its percentage to get its equivalent value in metric tons.
Asia uses 71.37 million metric tons.
In making the bar graph, The vertical line will be the percentage and the horizontal line will be the region. Bars of each region should have different colors for easy identification. Spaces between bars should be present, so that the bar graph will not be confused with the histogram.
3. multicellular
not a bacteria, because, well, its an insect, its not a prokaryote, because an insect has more than one cell, and prokaryotes are unicellular, and its not abiotic because an insect is a living thing
sorry, not sure about no. 2
The resistance of the bacteria to antibiotics is increasing and the disease which were easily treatable using the antibiotics, are now incurable and bacteria becomes resistant.
The overdose and misuse of antibiotics Is a big concern of worry. Every time we use antibiotics, it will kill the bacteria which were sensitive but resistant bacteria will survive and starts growing and this process will increase the growth of the resistant bacteria upon the nest use of the antibiotics.
Also due to unawareness, the use of antibacterial tablets against viral infections also cause increase in resistance of bacteria against antibiotics.
The answer is F...because h2o molecules are heavier than the atmosphere it surrounds. Therefore, gravity takes over. plse correct me if wrong.
because of gravity, h2o is directed down. That's how plants survive, Remember, ..what goes up, must go down...per " isaac newton."