As well as providing the alliance with its name, the geographical position of the German and Austro-Hungarian empires also gave the Central Powers at least one very important strategic advantage over the Allies they were fighting. It was much easier for the Germans and Austro-Hungarians to move troops, equipment and supplies from one battle front to another because they could do much of this on their domestic railway networks.
German soldiers exit trench
German soldiers exit trench
For example, the Germans could move 10 infantry divisions from the Eastern Front to the Western Front via a relatively straightforward journey across Germany. It was no more difficult for the Austro-Hungarians to move five infantry divisions from the Eastern Front to the Italian Front, or to the Salonika Front in the Balkans.
In 1823 President James Monroe (1758–1831) declared that the United States would allow no European power to extend its territorial reach throughout the Western Hemisphere. All that this country desires is to see the neighboring countries stable, orderly, and prosperous.
Speculation about the nature of the Universe must go back to prehistoric times, which is why astronomy is often considered the oldest of sciences. Since antiquity, the sky has been used as a map, calendar and clock. The oldest astronomical records date from approximately 3000 BC and are due to the Chinese, Babylonians, Assyrians and Egyptians. At that time, stars were studied for practical purposes, such as measuring the passage of time (making calendars) to predict the best time for planting and harvesting, or with objectives more related to astrology, such as making predictions of the future, since, having no knowledge of the laws of nature (physics), they believed that the gods of the sky had the power of harvest, rain and even life.
Several centuries before Christ, the Chinese knew the length of the year and used a 365-day calendar. They left accurate notes of comets, meteors and meteorites since 700 BCE. Later, they also observed the stars that we now call new.
The Babylonians (Mesopotamia region, between the Euphrates and Tigres rivers, present-day Iraq, Hammurabi, Nebuchadnezzar and the Bible Tower of Babel), Assyrians and Egyptians also knew the length of the year since pre-Christian times. In other parts of the world, evidence of very old astronomical knowledge was left in the form of monuments, such as that of Newgrange, built in 3200 BC (on the winter solstice the sun illuminates the corridor and the central chamber) and Stonehenge, in England, which dates from 3000 to 1500 BC.
Today, a surprising number of countries call their goverments communist (surprising to me because I didn't know)
- People's Republic of China
-North Korea (which has a specific bland of communism)
Correct answer: Stage One.
Psychologist Jean Piaget presented that humans encounter four steps of cognitive, or mental, evolution, beginning from the day they born to all the way into adulthood.
The first stage is when the child begins the cognitive development. It is called sensorimotor. During this stage, kids start to underestand and interact with the world using their senses and movements. This period can last two years.