Here are your matches:
1. Berlin Wall
- This was a symbol of the Cold War that separated the East and the West; communist and non-communist part of a German city.
- This is an international organization created by the U.S. and its allies in 1949 to prevent attacks by the Soviet Union.
3. Domino Theory
- This is the belief that if one country fell to communism, other countries around it were likely to fall to communism as well.
4. 38th Parallel
- This line of latitude separates communist North Korea and the U.S. backed Republic of Korea.
5. United Nations
- This is an international organization created following World War II to provide a way to negotiate disputes.
6. Truman Doctrine
- This said that the United States would aid any nation in resisting the growing threat of communism and became a guide for American foreign policy during the Cold War.
7. SALT ( = Strategic Arms Limitation Talks)
- This was the acronym for political talks between the United States and the USSR regarding nuclear weapons.
8. Berlin Airlift
- This was the delivery of supplies in a German city to circumvent the Soviet Blockade
The railroad greatly influenced European colonial powers in the 19th century since it facilitated for the much faster transfer of raw materials out of the colonies--leading to greater profits during the Industrial Revolution.
Great Britain and France placed the newly formed United States in the middle of their problems in the late 1700s by pressuring the United States to take sides.
Can you clarify the question here?