Occurs in the mitachondria - D
uses energy in sunlight - E
does not involve oxygen- A
Plants and algae- C
Works together to perform a function ( B)
Last two I’m not too sure though
The fossil symbols and mountain belts were helpful because it showed where the land and water dinosaurs were able to live, especially with the non-swimmers in Africa and South America. There is proof of some mountains matching in Western Europe and Greenland.
Bíceps- tríceps
Los músculos trabajan para generar movimiento mediante la contracción de células musculares. El bíceps y el tríceps son músculos antagonistas presentes en el brazo. Cuando el brazo se acorta, el bíceps funciona como agonista (es decir, se contrae) y hace que los tendones que tiran de los huesos del antebrazo puedan doblarlo. Durante este movimento, el triceps funciona como antagonista, encontrándose en estado de relajamiento. Por otra parte, durante el estiramiento del brazo, las funciones de estos músculos se invierten, con lo cual el tríceps (agonista) se contrae y el bíceps (antagonista) se relaja.
The correct answer is 3: "<em>High levels of Ca2+ are expected to be found </em><em>within the sarcoplasmic reticulum</em>".
Muscular contraction is a highly regulated process that depends on free calcium concentration in the cytoplasm. Amounts of cytoplasmic calcium are regulated by <u>sarcoplasmic reticulum</u> that functions as a storage of the ion.
When a nerve impulse reaches the membrane of a muscle fiber, through acetylcholine release, the membrane depolarizes producing the entrance of calcium from <u>extracellular space</u>. The impulse is transmitted along the membrane to the sarcoplasmic reticulum, from where calcium is released. At this point, <em>tropomyosin is obstructing binding sites for myosin on the thin filament</em>. The calcium channel in the sarcoplasmic reticulum controls the ion release, that activates and regulates muscle contraction, by increasing its cytoplasmic levels. When <em>calcium binds to the troponin C</em>, <em>the troponin T alters the tropomyosin by moving it and then unblocks the binding sites,</em> making possible the formation of <em>cross-bridges between actin and myosin filaments.</em> When myosin binds to the uncovered actin-binding sites, ATP is transformed into ADP and inorganic phosphate.
Z-bands are then pulled toward each other, thus shortening the sarcomere and the I-band, and producing muscle fiber contraction.
<u><em>Answer: The Calvin cycle is a process that plants and algae use to turn carbon dioxide from the air.</em></u>
<u><em>hope its helps you.</em></u>
<u><em> keep smiling be happy stay safe</em></u>