Not sure what your question is, but here is some information about it:
- It was introduced around 1750s but people already partially stopped using it around 1790s
-There were some specific rules for it, but there was some confusion about them and not everyone followed them
- it started with the capitalization of the main word in the sentence and then Capitalisation of all Substantives was introduced
-in German such a capitalization was introduced in 17th century too, and remains to this day
Maggie experience being burnt while their home was burned. She was devastated while watching the burning yet Dee seems to be okay with what is happening. It was a huge tragedy to Maggie as that house serves as their only memories of the family and at is all they ever had.
A fictional state or culture in which there is a great deal of misery or oppression, usually in an oppressive or post-apocalyptic setting.
C. the characterization of Juliet as a loyal and independent woman