Im sorry but you need to write your own essays sir, but if u want to know how to write an effective essay I can tell you!
You need strong sentence structure, good punctuation, correct spelling and grammar and bigger words that are in the correct placing
If you write a paragraph about photography
The first thing to photography is you need a camera and you need to learn how to use it. Using a camera is very simple. Open the camera and charge or put batteries in. put the chip inn so it will save the pictures you take.... (the extended dots are to indicate that there is more writing but this is just an example)
Further Explanation:
underline the spelling errors, bold or circle grammar and punctuation errors.
after all of your circling, bolding and underlining, correct the errors.
Hope this helps! ❤️
10 percent plan: A model for reinstatement of Southern states, offered by Abraham Lincoln in December 1863, that decreed that a state could be reintegrated into the Union when 10 percent of the 1860 vote count from that state had taken an oath of allegiance to the United States and pledged to abide by emancipation. The next step in the process would be for the states to formally elect a state government. Also, a state legislature could write a new constitution, but it also had to abolish slavery forever. At that time, Lincoln would recognize the reconstructed government.
I belive the answer is: Voters
Lobbyist consist of a group of people that aimed to support a certain representatives in order to legally influence the outcome of the legislation.
These lobbyist tend to represent actual segment of registered voters for a specific cause that deemed as important for them.
Answer:d. reliability.
Explanation:Research reliability refers to the fact that a research method yield stable and consistent outcome.
This means the same method can be used multiple times but still produce the same outcome such as when a professor asks the same question twice but only changing the structure of the question.