Scientific process
A step by step procedure of solving a problem is known as scientific process.
To solve a problem following steps should be followed: Identification of problem through observation, Development of hypothesis, Experimentation to test hypothesis, Analyze the result of experiment, Conclusion to choose the best possible solution.
1. Identification of problem through observation
Development of agriculture industry lead to soil pollution in the form of heavy metals which cause serious pose to human health. Data collected from environmental department show that heavy is adding day by day in the form of sewage drained from industries in to water, which has also affected aquatic life.
2. Development of hypothesis
Many strategies have been developed for cleaning or removal of heavy metals from soil such as cultivation of heavy metal tolerant plants, installation of plants which filter sewage water before entering into water table, use of bacteria that clean soil from heavy metals.
3. Experimentation to test hypothesis
To test hypothesis and experiment will be set up based on above mentioned method. However main focus should be given on cost, time and environmental friendly approach. To grow heavy metal accumulator plants will cost less but time consuming and after harvesting if their biomass is disposed off, it will again add heavy metals to soil. It is cost effective but time wasting process. Installation of plant to filter sewage is better method but it is cost effective and filter should be changed after a month which cost too much. The use of heavy metal tolerant bacteria is not too costly and once when they enter to soil having heavy metals will absorb heavy metals and will convert them into less toxic form. These bacteria will also reproduce and produce more offspring which will help in cleaning of soil
4. Analyzing result
It was observed in the results that use of plant of clean heavy metal is time wasting process. Similarly, installation of plant is also cost effective, however the use of bacteria for remediation of heavy metal is less costly and not harmful for environment.
5. Conclusion
It was concluded from results that bacteria should be applied for bio remediation purposes.