1. I had some money.
2. She sang songs well.
3. they were playing cricket.
4. You had given the money.
5. He had to speak English
6. There was a man under the tree.
7. She could pass the exam.
8. They went on a trip.
9. This table helped us for a long time.
B. He treats him Caliban cruelly by cursing him with pains and speaking condescendingly to him.
Prospero treats Caliban as a slave. Caliban's speech states Caliban's point of view of his treatment by Prospero early on in the play, and the audience needs to keep this in mind throughout the remainder of it.
Pride, Love of Glory, Recklessness, Stubbornness,
These are the ones I found. Not sure if it's what you're looking for but good luck anyway.
Mrs. Johnson's relationship with Mrs. Kennedy is polite and somewhat formal, while her relationship with Mrs. Connally is intimate and familiar. Mrs. Johnson has trouble finding the words to say to Mrs. Kennedy, but she feels free to cry with and console Mrs. Connelly.