<span>The answer to the question stated above is liquidity.
The ease with which an asset can be converted quickly into cash with little or no loss of purchasing power is liquidity.
>>>Money is said to be perfectly liquid, whereas other assets have a lesser degree of liquidity.</span>
<em>Motivation in work is when employees are incentivized due to their good performance</em>, this happens when they provide the company a greater value. There are two kinds of motivation:
- Internal: it includes emotions and thoughts, <em>in the exercise given this internal motivation is letting the team know that they are doing good</em>
- External: includes salary and work environment, <em>in the case given the bonuses are the external motivation</em>
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They can accomplish this through early retirement.
Early retirement is a way that we use to stop or discontinue something. Most of the aged person tends to choose early retirement for the purpose of achieving the benefits form the organisation to the most possible level. This decision can be taken when we know that the organisation will be closed in the near future and continuing work will not benefit us.
When we decide for the early retirement the befits that we attain from that will be more than the benefit that are obtained in continuing work. In the given example, Hope college has a plan for next biennium. But, the enrollments are reduced in number and they want to reduce the payroll slowly. Thus this can be accomplished with the help of early retirement.
Same as with Canada which is where both my grandfathers came from. Let's see how many reasons I can come up with just off the top of my head and just for those two.
- They enjoyed the freedom of the First Amendment (speech, press, religion, assembly -- Canada has the same provision) that was not granted in the country they left. They never exercised those rights, I don't think, but their children and grandchildren did.
- They were free to raise their children so that they had the chance of being productive. My father was an MD, but he owed that piece of good fortune to his father. The country from which they came would never have allowed him to get all that education.
- They were able to eventually bring their wives and children with them. There was enough money to be made, even at jobs that didn't pay much, to bring them across the Atlantic.
- They were able, once the families were here, to turn their attention to bettering their conditions. They never became rich, but no one starved either. That's more than could be said about those relatives who didn't do as they did.
- They were free to travel. They didn't do that, but their children and especially their grandchildren did. That too was very limited where they came from.
- They had medical care and good medical care which was not given to just anyone where they came from.
Easier to read, write and maintain as commands are similar to English. Allow access to module libraries. Use data types and data structures, selection statements and repetition/iteration constructs. Use logic operators and functions that are built into the language.