You like some and not others
in politics it's not uncommon to form opinions by political parties and because of that you will be prone to the bias of certain people
Baesd one the description, i believe this illustrates the classical conditioning process known as: <span>spontaneous recovery
Spontaneous recovery refers to the recovery that only happened because of a delayed response after the first conditioning.
When Mariah first 'believe' that her fear of water is gone, it's only happen because there is no actual threat that she face during the swimming lesson, because it's guarded and safe.
Since not all the women have been asked (it's impossible, it would take too much time and be too expensive), we can only have an estimate - it's around 50%, or half the women.
The various statistics, depending on the county and a survey are between 40% and 60% - so that is the correct answer.
But as I said, depending on the sample and the source, that number can slightly vary.
This example illustrates a social identity level. A social
identity occurs when an individual defined who or what he or she is on a
specific group that he or she is in or belongs to; it could be seen in the
scenario above as Amanda differentiates the two teams.