The military because that's when the the telephone was inve
Jefferson: Louisiana Purchase , Lewis and Clark Expedition
Madison: War of 1812, British burn down the white house, Era of Good Feelings
-The US was growing as a well respected nation who was now fighting its own battles and experiencing major growth in dealing with expansion and government
Food is an expression of cultural identity, cultural preservation, a symbol of cultural pride for ethnicity, and a means of coping with homesickness.
Food is a reflection of the unique history, lifestyle, values and beliefs of a particular culture. When a certain culture exposes other cultures to their cuisine, other cultures are motivated to duplicate, alter, and/or expand on that cuisine. For instance, Mexican food is a widely popular cuisine in the U.S. As a result, establishments in the US have sought to make Mexican food available on their menus, with some modifications to the original cultural cuisine (think Taco Bell, and chips and salsa served as an appetizer in many US restaurant chains (Chili's), quesadillas in US steakhouses (Outback, Longhorn Steakhouse).