Differences between them include that the Assyrians were brutal, making slaves of captors and not allowing them to rule themselves, while the Persians appointed local satraps over the people and ruled with tolerance.
I’ve never read the story but you can say that forcing her to cut her hair makes her “fit in” with the other people more and takes away from her original culture since she doesn’t physically have anything left to show about her true culture. she might try to start hiding her culture now because people are making her think that she needs to. in the future, she might make her kids cut their hair too and they might make their kids cut their hair etc. etc. which then makes the tradition of long hair eventually fade away.
with conscience because it is that the person who is judged or project that is involved could harm people or an entire town
The Nile River meets with the Mediterranean Sea in northern Egypt.
It crippled them economically forcing them into cheap labor
Most of the time it disenfranchised them
The black codes were passed which were essentially a set of restrictive laws passed during johnsons presidency which in a lot of states forced black people to sign labor contracts otherwise they would have been fined or jailed or sold back into basically slavery