The period of third generation was from 1965-1971. The computers of third generation used Integrated Circuits (ICs) in place of transistors. A single IC has many transistors, resistors, and capacitors along with the associated circuitry. The IC was invented by Jack Kilby.
The technician will want to add ACL for ports 20 and 21
The FTP protocol by default will attempt to use 21 for TCP access and 20 for data access. By enabling an Access Control List (ACL) on ports 20 and 21, the technician can prevent FTP traffic from leaving the network on the default ports.
Is this supposed to be a true or false question?
The Multi-Channel Funnels reports are generated from conversion paths, the sequences of interactions (i.e., clicks/referrals from channels) that led up to each conversion and transaction. In the reports, channels are credited according to the roles they play in conversions—how often they assisted and/or completed sales and conversions.
Answer: Problem solver
Problem solver is the most important characteristics for the system analyst as it important for the organization to control all the problems.
System analysis basically define the problem in the particular organization to be solved and also provide the proper architecture in the system.
The good and strong problem solving ability makes the organization more efficient in the decision making problem and also improve the overall system analyst in the organization.