The answer is the second answer Increasing the size of the wire.
Lsass.exe /................................................
The advantage of the simulated link strategy are:
- It is easily able to provide the practical feedback to the customers and users while designing the whole system. It also determine the efficiency and the correctness of the design in the stimulated link strategy.
- In the stimulated link strategy, the sharing and delivering of the data and information is done efficiently without any occurrence of error and interrupt. It is also high flexible technique.
The disadvantage of the simulated link strategy are:
- The simulated link strategy is flexible but it is not standardization and also it required more good concept.
- This technique is expensive and it is not readily available as it always require validation process.
The algorithm to find A is even or odd.
- input A.
- Check the remainder on diving by 2 by A%2.
- If remainder is 1 then A is odd Print(Odd).
- If remainder is 0 print(Even).
To check if the number is even or odd we use modulo operator(%).Which gives the remainder on dividing.So if we do this A%2 it will give the remainder that will come out on dividing the value of A by 2.
So if the remainder comes out is 1 then the number is odd and if the remainder is 0 then the number is odd.