Option B, Interactionism, is the right answer.
Interactionism is a theoretical prospect that determines social manners (such as friction, cooperation, personality development) from the interaction of human beings. Interactionism has been divided into several sub-categories which include, Phenomenology, Social action, Ethnomethodology, Verstehen, Symbolic interactionism, and Social constructionism.
The given perspective comes under the Symbolic interactionism division of Interactionism. The Symbolic interactionism is a theory that originates from functional thoughts and alludes to people's distinct utilization of language to make perceptions and conventional implications, for deduction and communication with others.
Listeners who are more concerned with making their point than with understanding the speaker are called conversational narcissists.
A narcissist who is good at conversation will try to keep it focused on themselves and the things they know about or are interested in. If the topic of discussion changes, they become extremely disinterested in the conversation very soon. The conversational narcissist would receive eighty percent of the total time spent on the conversation. People who are conversational narcissists focus the conversation exclusively on themselves and withdraw when it shifts away from them. They have little to no interest in hearing what others have to say.
To know more about narcissists refer to:
Answer: Juan is a shy guy
Some individuals struggle with public presentations; irrespective of the number. This is not because of they ain't knowledgeable but rather they can't just stand before people to speak. Some person's do carry out various rehearsals to face an audience and they might end up not presenting their work well before the audience, this is the case if Juan; very excited about the topic but can't present it well due to his shy nature.
The indentured servants were people who were too poor to pay for their passage to the new world (reason: poverty). They sign a contract that they would work for someone in return for the passage ticket
It is under the Barlett’s theory using reconstructive memory. He used this theory although it is critical. Considering of the quality of being trustworthy of eyewitness’ testimony as he recommended that recall is subject to personal explanation dependent on our learned or cultural values and norms, and the way the world was sensed by us.