John path toward his current career is quit interesting
Guam, USA. The culture is practically alive in Guam. Local Music is great, just like the food. Beaches, Mom & Pop Stores, and Gyms all within reach. Hospitable people and amazing customer service.
Rated total: 8.5/10
The summary of this story is that Niral's mother needed milk and bread. Niral was given five dollars but the bread and milk cost almost six dollars.So she explained to the shopkeeper.He gave her the bread and milk for five dollars and said "Thank you for being such a good customer!"
Since an absolute phrase modifies a noun, and is separated from the rest of the sentence using a comma usually, with no conjunctions, the only correct answer here is the first one. Because there is a comma, there is no conjunction like in the third sentence, so it has to be correct.