its answer:
An adjective is a part of speech that modifies a noun or pronoun. Adjectives usually tell what kind, how many, or which about nouns or pronouns. An adverb is a part of speech B. the wordless is an adjective that tells how much that modifies another adverb, a verb, or an adjective. It is often recognized by the suffix -ly at the end of it. adverb well is an adverb describing the verb plays
Currently, every person seems to be connected to a cell phone or tablet. Technology prevents people from having a quiet lunch, chat to each other and spend time as a family. Apart from that, instead of calling or even drop by to see how the other person is, they send an audio. Social media is making society less sociable! Kids spend their time playing on- line games instead of playing games in the park. Examples are extensive and opportunities to relate to each other face to face are getting fewer by the day.
ethos appeals to validity (proves you are credible), logos appeals to logic and pathos appeals to emotion. All 3 of these rhetorical devices are necessary to write an effective persuasive essay.
I believe it’s 4 that’s my best guess