The Baroque Period was an era started in 1600 to 1750, where art, music and architectures dramatized with emotion and stylistically complex
After the Renaissance, Baroque architecture came in Italy which later spread into Europe during the early 17th century. Baroque architecture is known for its unique style of providing highly decorative and dramatic.
San Carlo Alle Quattro Fontane is a prominent Roman Catholic Church designed in Baroque style by Francesco Borromini for Spanish monks as a convent in Rome, built between 1638 and 1646.
The Palace of Versailles built in Baroque architecture style in France, which was commissioned by Louis XIV in the 1660s.
Both of the architectures mentions in the answer were products of religious (church) or secular (state) patronage.
San Carlo Alle Quattro Fontane was part of religious which showcase rich and spiritual.
Baroque palaces were constructed on a monumental scale to represent the centralized state with the absolute power of monarchies, for example, The Palace of Versailles.
The 1842 Slave Revolt in the Cherokee Nation, then located in Indian Territory (Oklahoma) west of the Mississippi River, was the largest escape of a group of slaves to occur among the Cherokee. The slave revolt started on November 15, 1842, when a group of 20 African-American slaves owned by the Cherokee escaped and tried to reach Mexico, where slavery had been abolished in 1836. Along their way south, they were joined by 15 slaves escaping from the Creek in Indian Territory.
The spread of Islam into the Maghreb is an example of Arab invasion of North Africa. The Arabs send Muslim army to Maghreb (modern morocco) to battle against Byzantines and allies, and finally conquer most of the North Africa were many Berbers (locals of Maghreb) join the Muslim army. After Arabs gain more power in the region, the Berbers are now ready to adopt and convert to Islam as well as the Arabic culture.
Option: It allowed the Plains tribes to better hunt buffalo.
After the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus in 1492, began the Columbian Exchange. During the Columbia Exchange, Spain introduced horses to the New World. Escaped horses spread in the Great Plains and helped the Native Indian in moving one place to another, also in hunting which changed their life. Horses spread to different tribes with horsemanship. The Plains Indians were hunters, and hunting was vital for the tribes. Earlier, they followed animal herds and hunted with bows and arrows by getting close to buffalo wearing wolf skins covering their bodies. Bison was the most important natural resource of the Plains Indians as it provided them with food, shelter, and clothing.
It’s true that the freedmen’s bureau the Enforcement act helped African Americans