Intertidal Zone 10 m (33 ft)
Sublittoral Zone 200 m (660 ft)
Hadal Zone 10,911 m (35,797 ft)
Bathyal Zone 6,000 m (19,686 ft)
[ a ] the sublittoral zone or the shallowest bathyal zone
[ b ] the intertidal zone or the deepest hadal zone
[ c ] the oceanic zone or the deepest intertidal zone
[ d ] <em><u>"The Intertidal Zone Or The Shallowest Sublittoral Zone."</u></em>
The lake on titan was evaporated, it evaporated because at that time titan was going through summer.
excretory system and circulatory system
Blood is part of circulatory system and as it move through various organs it exchanges the gases i.e give oxygen to the cell and take carbon dioxide from them. After taking CO2, the blood becomes impure and hence it passes through the kidney before going to the heart. Kidney is part of excretory system which removes carbon dioxide from blood and thus purifies it.
i think it is the large intestine