M; an ordnary person could pick up trash to help save the envirement
O: but cleaning it up takes so long and its easier to just drop it on the floor.
M well suck it up and pick it up before the earth dies
Because it leaves almost no trace and no symptoms yet can still kill you very quickly and effectively
Communication, creativity, similarity, vocabulary and humiliation.
Hi... the answer is "D" which is Emma must decide whether or not to help kayla cheat on the chemistry test... i hope this helps
"At the same time, circuits involved in stress become increasingly sensitive, leading to increased displeasure and negative moods when not taking the drug, which are signs of withdrawal. These combined effects make the user more likely to focus on seeking the drug instead of relationships, food, or other natural rewards." I got it from this wedsite just in case you need more info about it. https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/research-reports/cocaine/what-are-long-term-effects-cocaine-u...