He wept because of the victims of the Srebrenica massacre and because that type of massacre continues to happen in many parts of the world.
Srebrenica was the scene where 8,000 nullos were murdered by the Serbian army in an act of complete cowardice, bigotry and evil. Ban Ki-moon wept when visiting Srebrenica for the penalty for the deaths in the massacre, condolences to the suffering of the victims' families and for knowing that this type of event continues to happen in different parts of the world, where violence and intolerance has dominated and caused irreparable losses.
The murder of JonBenét Ramsey is the first thing that popped up in my mind of unsolved mystery and murder cases. she was a young girl, only 6 years old. her family was incredibly wealthy and everything seemed normal. people still talk about her case to this day because everything about it was so odd and explanations didn’t add up, also most people think that her brother or other family members committed the crime. dont know much ab this case but i just remember watching videos on it when i was younger
Gatsby is desperately searching for someone who knows Daisy. When he finds out from Jordan Baker that Nick Carraway is Daisy cousin, Gatsby latches on to him in an effort to get Daisy back. Everything he does is for Daisy.