Because people have morals and people have opinions
Hearing each word enunciated correctly makes the humor of the poem more obvious and apparent.
Listening to the poem "Friendship" being read aloud is different from reading it silently because when you hear each word pronounced correctly as the writer intended, the humor is obvious and it makes it more enjoyable.
Reading the poem would make a reader not fully appreciate the comic relief in the poem.
some biggest challenges are
i) i need to control myself from wasting money on unimportant things .
ii) i have to use public transport often .
ii) i have to also face problem regarding my extra expenses such as dress , food and should buy how much i need .
The use of decasyllabic meter
Geoffrey Chaucer was an English poet during the Middle Ages, best known for his work The Canterbury Tales. He is known as the "Father of English literature" and was the first writer to be buried in Poets' Corner of Westminster Abbey.
Chaucer is also well-known for his metrical innovation. He was one of the first English poets to use the five-stress line, which is a decasyllabic cousin to the iambic pentameter that became popular during the Elizabethan period.
Answer: warmer/ more varied
(If it is multiple choice can you list the options?)