I don't think anyone will write an essay for you. So do some research on your computer or phone. Make French one paragraph, Spanish one paragraph, and English one paragraph.
Following the Women's March on Versailles, the royal family was forced to return to Paris. They remained virtual prisoners in the Tuileries, the official residence of the king. Louis XVI became emotionally paralyzed, leaving most important decisions to the queen.
Her company experienced growth during the post-industrial times and she was able to reap the benefits of this.
The definition of a post-industrial society is when the stage of society's development when the service sector generates more wealth than the manufacturing sector of the economy.
Because the United States is a global superpower and has the worlds largest military, Canada is also the United States' biggest trade partner and ally. Many laws and rules in the United States end up being the foundation for Canadian laws and rules. Our economies are closely tied together and when one succeeds, generally so does the other and vice-versa
Because buffalo were such big animals they could feed a lot of people and many of their parts came to use such as their hides and horns