Budding cells formed by the Saccharomyces are through "Cytokinensis"
Cytokinensis helps the budding cells of the Saccharomyces to get splitted over two new cells. These buds raise, throughout its cell cycle and afterwards leaves its mother cell while mitosis been completed. Budding of the yeast makes up an perfect model for the creature to study the meiosis. Diploid yeast can be prepared by making it undergo through meiosis in absence of nitrogen which will lead to the generation of an ascus along with 4 haploid cells. Due to this the property of the meiotic products can also be studied.
The plant will produce less chlorophyll
The plant still has a functional allele provided by the paternal gamete, thereby the leaves have this enzyme required for chlorophyll biosynthesis. In consequence, the plant can produce chlorophyll pigment but in less quantity, since it has only a functional allele coding for a key enzyme involved in the chlorophyll pathway