a wasteland
if an ecosystem did not have interactions it would not be an ecosystem because it takes different parts cooperating together for it to function.
text 1 - while we may know what's coming ahead of time, weather remains unpredictable
text 2 - the coastal regions experience the most damage...
text 3 - modern technology utilises energy to predict...
text 4 - hurricanes are intensely powerful storms that are only growing more intense
text 5 - meteorologists can make predictions of hurricane movement...
The predator is a type of animal or bird species which kill other animals to obtain its food. The prey is the animal which is killed by the predator. According to the given situation, if the predator species A is eliminated, the population of the predator B will likely increase because there will be no competition between the two species for the same prey. And the chances of predator B obtaining the prey will increase. Hence, the population will increase.