life will not possible on Earth I think so
It is a scientific law
A scientific law states a constant relationship between two or more variables, each of which represents a property or measurement of specific systems. It is a constant and unchanging rule, usually expressed mathematically which allows to predict the unknown based on what is known with logical and real relationships.
A scientific theory is a set of concepts and rules (scientific laws) that express the relationships between observations of such concepts and generates a principle or set of principles to explain a phenomenon.
Because predators and prey must learn (or adapt) new ways of survival. Deer over time have learned to be much more sensitive to the surrounding environment, therefore, a deer's predator must also adapt/evolve and learn how to beat the deer at it's own game and catch it for food. Animals must evolve/adapt to any given environment. If humans lived in Antarctica for thousands of years, we would eventually be able to withstand the cold due to evolution. People who live in the Himalayas today actually breath normally at such high altitudes whereas if someone who lives at sea level went to where the Himalayan people lived, the result could potentiality be fatal because the body has not adapted/evolved at that point to withstand minimal oxygen.
This is a process called transcription and translation.
Information to synthesize a particular protein is found in DNA in the cell nucleus. This information is copied (transcribed) onto messenger RNA or mRNA in short. The copying process is called transcription.
mRNA then leaves the nucleus and enters the cytoplasm where it attaches to a ribosome. Transfer RNA or tRNA then begins to read (translate) the information on the attached mRNA. This is the process of translation.
tRNA then fetches amino acids that correspond to this information and brings them to the ribosome where they are linked together into a chain. This chain of amino acids is the primary structure of the protein.
the opening of the double helix and separation of the DNA strands, the priming of the template strand, and the assembly of the new DNA segment.