They were “of low physical and mental standards.” They were “filthy.” They were “often dangerous in their habits.” They were “un-American.”
“The view was they could not fit into the American orientation toward progress and doing better, and would be forever manual laborers stuck at the very bottom,” Diner said of attitudes toward Southern Italians. She said Jews, by contrast, were viewed as “a little too successful, a little too pushy, getting on that American track too fast. They were viewed as competitors.”
Your answer will be - The benefits of the best alternative option that are given up by a particular decision
Geographic means physicals features of the land in this case you look at only the negatives of this like big bodies of water mountains and steep terrain these made it difficult because some settlers didn't have horses or were traveling in large groups wich could contain elderly and young children
The National Assembly of France.
This was illegal according to the laws of the time, but the 3rd Estate was declaring those laws and rules as a system that opposed the will and well-being of the people of France.
The old laws on the books said that when a gathering of the Estates General occurred, each of the three estates met separately and each group had one collective vote (the consensus of the whole group) as their final vote. The 1st Estate (clergy) and 2nd Estate (nobility), representing 2% of the population total, would combine their votes in opposition to the vote of the 3rd Estate (the common people). The 3rd Estate essentially declared that they, 98% of the nation, were the nation and that their delegates thus were the National Assembly.
There's more to the story than that, but we'll keep it brief here for now!
1. Alexander Hamilton
2. a person who advocates a redistribution of landed property, especially as part of a social movement.
3. true! they preferred england
4. the Whiskey Rebellion
5. John Adams,
6. first public political statement was inspired by the passing of the Stamp Act in 1765.
7. Jefferson