This Allows organisms such as bacteria to rapidly adjust their transcription patterns in response to environmental conditions. in addition regulatory sites on prokaryotic DNA are typically located close to transcription promoter sites - and this plays an important part in gene expression
A Scientific Hypothesis Must Be Testable
For a hypothesis to be testable means that it is possible to make observations that agree or disagree with it. If a hypothesis cannot be tested by making observations, it is not scientific.19-Feb-2021
A Pinocytic vesicle is a structure which helps in the Pinocytic process, where the small particles are bought into the cell, forming an infolding or invagination which in turn are suspended in the small vesicles. This process is also known as Cell Drinking.
The right answer is: C) Iruptive Growth. For their growth is never stable.
The correct answer is d Bill"s plasma contain B antibodies
As Bill"s plasma contain B antibodies that"s why his blood cells do not aggutinate when mixed with anti B serum.