In this context Michelle Obama refers to the importance of correct information for the parents. She is not only stating the facts thar certain informations are taking for granted. That not only is important to read the labels of a product to know how many calories, or sodium it contains. She also refers on how we are all exposed to message that we don´t realize we are receiving, from choosing a meal from a menu, to when we try to get a healthy product in a store. It would probably be a lot easier to reach a can o soda than a bottle of milk, or a mac and cheese box than a whole wheat pasta. The current marketing is more oriented to unhealthy but highly commercial products , that to the ones people actually need. Parents need to know that, and that is the kind of information that they require.
<span><span>Here you go :)
1. Lucy is arriving ON February the 13th AT eight o'clock.</span><span>
2. The
weather is often terrible in* London IN January.
3. If
you out alone AT night.
4. She
got married IN September.
They usually go to the south of France IN/FOR the summer.
6. Columbus
sailed to the America IN the 16th century.
7. The
Beatles were popular IN the 1960s.
8. I
graduated from University IN 2001.
Where's Julie? She is AT school.
England is famous FOR its rainy weather.
Julie is very different FROM her sister.
Are you pleased WITH your new house?
13. He
isn't afraid OF anything.
14. He
isn't really interested IN getting married.
Who is James married TO ?
Lucy is extremely good AT languages.
17. English
cheese is very different FROM French cheese.
18. My
flatmate listens to a lot OF jazz.
Who does that house belong TO ?
<span>20. A
policeman explained TO the children why they should never run across the road.</span></span></span>
Today's lunch is better than yesterday's