Measurement (Count) of Cell Numbers:
1. Breed Method:
A known volume of microbial cell suspension (0.01 ml) is spread uniformly over a glass slide covering a specific area (1 sq. cm). The smear is then fixed by heating, stained, examined under oil immersion lens, and the cells are counted.
Customarily, cells in a few microscopic fields are counted because it is not possible to scan the entire area of smear. The counting of total number of cells is determined by calculating the total number of microscopic fields per one square cm. area of the smear.
A plant cell contains a large, singular vacuole that is used for storage and maintaining the shape of the cell. In contrast, animal cells have many, smaller vacuoles. Plant cells have a cell wall, as well as a cell membrane. ... Animal cells simply have a cell membrane, but no cell wall.
Structure A is used for (4) cell communication. The cell membrance has receptros for cell communcation.
Structure B is used to (1) extract energy from nutrients. The mitochondria is the power house of the cell.
Structure C is used for (1) protein synthesis. The golgi apparatus is where protein is created.
It is Guard Cells I think