<span>1. Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated in Sarajevo. 2. </span><span>Russia mobilizes its vast army to intervene against Austria-Hungary in favor of its ally, Serbia. This move starts a chain reaction that leads to the mobilization of the rest of the European Great Powers, and inevitably to the outbreak of hostilities. 3. </span><span>Germany invades Belgium, beginning World War I. 4. </span><span>A German submarine sinks the passenger liner </span>Lusitania<span>. The ship carries 1,198 people, 128 of them Americans. 5. </span><span>The British employ the first tanks ever used in battle, at Delville Wood. Although they are useful at breaking through barbed wire and clearing a path for the infantry, tanks are still primitive and they fail to be the decisive weapon, as their designers thought they would be. </span>
These were to deal with the countries who lost the war (against the Allied Nations) These treaties were 1: Treaty of Versailles ( dealt with Germany) 2: Treaty of St. Germain (dealt with Austria) 3: Treaty of Trianon (dealt with Hungary) 4: Treaty of Neuilly (dealt with Bulgaria) 5:Treaty of sevres (dealt with Turkey) The main reason for these treaties was to demilitarise the arimes which prevented them from becoming threats to the Allied nations any time soon.