If I was banking with my local town bank and it happens that Bank of Africa purchases it, there are cost and benefits associated with the merge. First, Bank of America is global, meaning that I will be able to access the Services such as ATM services at different points. Second, due to its area of coverage, the services are cheaper compared to the ones I got when it was in my local town. However, due to the monopoly of the bank, they might increase the charges making them more expensive than when the services in the local village. Additionally, it will be a challenge for average customers, such as farmers, to access big banks unless faithful people accompany them.
Occur at least annually
Greater than minimal risk protocols that have been approved must undergo review at least once a year. However IRBs usually specify a shorter period than this for reviews. The principal investigator holds the duty of ensuring that signed consent forms are kept confidential. The IRB are not required to review these confidential forms.
The agency's position is that Bob had already signed a contract, and that the contract included a placement fee due to the fact that Bob was able to find this job through the agency. On the other hand, the position that Bob would most likely argue is that he is a minor. As a minor, Bob is allowed to disaffirm his contract. Therefore, Bob is likely to win in this dispute.
Answer: A. Present; B. Taken; C. Future; D. Present
The present value of a future amount of money is the amount that, if invested today, will grow to be as large as that present amount when the interest that it will earn is taken into account.
The calculation that we use to convert a future amount of money to its present value is called discounting.
It is true
Chartered Accountants most especially external auditors are trained to provide assurance services that will give credit and reliability to the financial information being presented to the users by the directors.
Their services include statutory audit and other related assurance services.
The report produced by a Chartered Accountant (e.g External Auditor) gives reasonable assurance to the shareholders of the company or any other external users.