If you're very young or very old you could be misjudged for not being as capable as somebody in their 20s for example. While this may often be true it is not always and isn't something we should strive towards.
If you're of a certain ethnicity; let's say you're a Kenyan and you're running a marathon, people could misjudge that you would run the marathon at a very good pace. This, again, is not the necessary case.
If you're female, it is often possible that you would be misjudged as not being strong enough compared to your male counterparts.
the answer would be C) Ask if the patient understands, and if they don’t, explain it again in different terms.
Components of health related fitness
1. Cardiovascular endurance
2. Flexibility
3. Muscular strength
4. Muscular endurance
1. Mile
2. pacer
We can test health related fitness using different methods for different components of fitness.
Mile test is use to test for endurance. kilometer to which a person can endure with. We can minimize error through proper monitor.
For flexibility, we can use Sit and Reach test.
For Muscular endurance,we can use Sit - Up Bleep test
A neuron is a nerve cell that is the basic building block of the nervous system. Neurons are specialized to transmit information throughout the body.