When a nerve impulse reaches the end of the first neuron (presynaptic terminal), various neurotransmitters are released from the same, into the area between the two neurons, called as a synaptic cleft. From synaptic cleft, these neurotransmitters are picked up the postsynaptic terminal of the second neuron, which leads to an impulse.
Supersatured solutions can be created by heating the liquid to it's boling temperature. When the solvent gets hot, the molecules have more space to move around, and there is more space for solute molecules between them. You can keep stirring in any solute, and it will continue to dissolve, even though the saturation point has been reached.
I think because since Co-vid-19 is new and nobody knows what the real side effects are, they really can't make any medicine for it. It will take time and if they do make medicine, it will take time to know how It will react and how it will react in the long term.
“B” because from our relationships that we learn outside our community it shapes us in what learning standards we would reflect on society where we are learning everyday