Answer:Use special effects and animations only if they don’t draw attention away from your main points
Explanation:special effect and animations are practical or visually ways of simulating your speech however they may tend to be distructive because audience may tend to focus more on these effects and no longer pay attention to your is always advisable to choose them wisely and choose an appropriate moment to display them.
Answer: Coordination of secondary circular reactions
According to theory of Piaget, coordination of secondary circular reactions is the reaction in which child tends to repeat action to gain response from the environment along with reflexes of their own body.They involve objects from environment and self for performing any action.
According to the question,Jenny is displaying coordination of secondary circular reactions as she is inspecting toy by grabbing it ,using other toys to reach intended toy etc which involved other object and her actions to complete goal.
Water evaporates from the ocean, it turns into a cloud, the cloud rains, and it starts over again.
Answer: This is referred to as "A CHANGE OF VENUE".
Explanation: Venue is the legal term were a trail is to be made, and we're the defendant and plaintiff brings up their case in a law court.
Change of venue is a legal term that is referred to as, changing the location of a trail, to a place where impartial or sentimental judgement won't be seen. This is mostly done when the news of a case has spread out, and people in such area are already criticizing one person.
Because Sally feels she cannot receive fair trails and moved her case to another location where she can receive a fair trial, this is called change of venue.
The oldest stone tools discovered there are characteristic of what's called the Acheulian culture of the Early Stone Age and consisted mostly of the hand axes. In this Olorgesailie Basin excavation site, red ocher pigments were found with Middle Stone Age artifacts.