Common principles of various versions of African socialism were: social development guided by a large public sector, incorporating the African identity and what it means to be African, and the avoidance of the development of social classes within society.
What process has industrial growth in the U.S. most directly contributed to?
Winter pemmican, berry pemmican and dried buffalo meat are some of the food products made from buffalo that fed the Native Americans through the winter.
Native Americans were mostly into agricultural activities. Through out the winters, they would feed on the supply they had grown and stored. Irrespective of their agricultural activities, they were heavy meat-eaters. They ate meat of deer, buffalo, elk, turkeys and other kinds of birds, some sea food which would also include whales at times.
Buffaloes were one of the most important resource for the Native Americans. The animal was a source for food, clothing, weapons and tools. As for the food supply in winters, the people stored and preserved various body parts of the buffalo in parfleches, also known as hide containers.
According to the American Psychological Association (APA) hypnosis is a cooperative interaction in which the participant responds to the suggestions of the hypnotist.
Usually, when people think of hypnosis they think of a trance state, where the individual is asleep and in trance, however, this is not true.
Hypnosis is actually a state characterized by focused attention, heightened suggestibility, and vivid fantasies. (that follows the hypnotist suggestions and instructions). It also includes the lack of voluntary control over one's own behavior.
Hypnosis is mainly used for pain treatment for many illnesses.
Thus, we can conclude that hypnosis is a state of mind that occurs in compliance with instructions and is characterized by focused attention, suggestibility, absorption, lack of voluntary control over behavior and suspension of critical faculties of mind.