The spectrum of a healthy relationship to an unhealthy relationship is Mutually respectful, Partially Respectful, Partially Conflicting, Conflicting
Answer: Option D
A lot of relationships has ended somewhere between the spectrum of relationship. It can be measured as healthy, unhealthy and abusive. Each relationship includes our behaviors.
Meanwhile, a healthy relationship has some behaviors that include Mutual respect. That, in turn, has conflicting behavior in the unhealthy relationship’s behavioral category.
Whatever the decisions were taken were discussed equally and decisions were finally made when you are in a healthy relationship and it changes slightly once your relationship starts gliding towards an unhealthy relationship.
All of these acts increased taxation on the colonies, and did so without the permission or discussion from the collonies, so were one-sides.
Stamp Act said that the paper used in the colonies for media would have to be produced in London, the Tea Act validated local taxes on tea and the Sugar act imposed a high act on imported sugar.
In accounting, the concept of materiality refers to how to account for matters that would bear on a decision making process about the entity.
Hope this helps :)
A responsibility is something you have to do or (at least) ought to do. A right is something you are allowed to do or permitted to do. You have no obligation to exercise your right.